Interior spaces Outdoor spaces Bath covering Kitchen worktop
General Contractor Architects Design studios Showroom


You just can’t see it

The future of the induction: the invisible kitchen top What, at a first sight, looks like a simple slab, hides an integrated induction cooking system able to combine innovative design together with high versatility. The R&D department has studied and implemented the features and the functionality of COOKING Surface Prime making the perfect fusion between technology and natural material and creating the induction of the future. The induction process takes place when a ...

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Innovation, technology, security, design and style made in Italy in just 6 mm thick

Think about a company with almost 40 years experience in cutting, processing and finishing of marble, granite, quartz and precious stones in general keep in mind that the same company mentioned in the previous point, today wishes and is able to decline their experience and guide its skills into the world of the latest generation of gres porcelain ...

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10 good reasons to tell an important story: the ours

We needed a "narrative space" on this website, in addition to our Facebook page, for various reasons that we would like to explain briefly below 1 First of all, it seemed right to have our own space, where talk exclusively about us, what we do, what we are able of doing but also how we think the present and the future of our work 2 Because we believe that the story of a brand like that of I Bizantini deserves an immediacy of point which otherwise makes it more difficult to ...

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C.P. s.a.s. di Centurelli Luca & c. "iBizantini" Via Piandelmedico, 91 Bis 60035 – Jesi (AN)   P. Iva 02532470362
Tel. +39 0731 619237   Fax. +39 0731 607134   All rights reserved ©

Comunicazione e contenuti a cura di: Via Renaldini 10/A, 60126 - Ancona (AN) Italy
Cell. +39 328 7310369
Ideazione e progettazione grafica di: Via Amendola 77, 60035 - Jesi (AN) Italy
Cell. +39 329 9305964
Sviluppo tecnico e ingegnerizzazione:

Via Sandro Tottia 12A, 60131 - Ancona (AN) Italy
Tel +39 071 2412233